Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2018

Nightcrawler 2014 線上看中文配音

Nightcrawler 2014 線上看中文配音

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Nightcrawler 2014 線上看中文配音


Nightcrawler (电影 2014)


145 会议记录




M1V 1080


Crime, Drama, Thriller



Ballard, Chana U. Lauryn, Evon H. Kadi

船员 - Nightcrawler 2014 線上看中文配音

When Lou Bloom, desperate for work, muscles into the world of L.A. crime journalism, he blurs the line between observer and participant to become the star of his own story. Aiding him in his effort is Nina, a TV-news veteran.
**Survival of the Batsh!t Craziest**

Here we have a sociopath for the digital age. A _Taxi Driver_ for the early 21st Century. Louis Bloom might have been born yesterday, just before taking an online course in Small Business Management, the new way to self-educate, without the petty annoyances of human contact and interaction. Every basic lesson he absorbed is put to the test with the obsessive solitary singular purpose of succeeding. Jake Gyllenhaal immerses himself in the role with psychotic stupor. He speaks with the same forward-plotting conviction whether tossing about obvious clichés or revealing something brilliant. The perfect entrepreneur. A maniacal detached idiot savant on a ruthless predatory mission. Morality and the legal system are minor roadblocks to dodge, riddles to resolve, sentiments to overcome. His brand of narcissistic psychosis is a genetic mutation that insures the survival of the species. Like an Aryan bulldozer, he cripples and kills the weak, exploiting the flaws in humanity, cannibalizing the limits of civilization, and capitalizing on each opportunity every step of the way, all for his own personal gain. All while intuiting which backs to scratch and/or stab and when. The perfect entrepreneur. The quintessential post-9/11 movie hero. Where Travis Bickle sought to take down corruption to rescue the innocent, Louis Bloom does the opposite, preying on the fallen and severing the social codes and mores that bind us for his own solitary success. American Exceptionalism. Nightcrawler is nanoeconomics in its purest, most wicked and vicious form. I'm sure some may see it not so much as a comment on what ails us but as an inspiration to venture out from, and Bloom as a persistent determined role model to imitate. How-to-Succeed-in Business-Without-Feeling. Humanity is merely a construct that can be subjugated, an apparatus to dismantle, a child's toy for the child that wants it all.
'Nightcrawler' is a neo noir thriller starring a very impressive (and thin) Jake Gyllenhaal which cleverly satirises the media industry's obsession with horror and violence.

The poster's correlation with Nicolas Winding Refn's 'Drive' is a very clear choice because they are very similar in how they're made in terms of themes and even soundtrack. The film is also very similar to Martin Scorsese's 'Taxi Driver' and David Fincher's 'Seven' as the cinematography is very bleak and dark.

The story is disturbingly gripping as the audience view Lou Bloom's rise as an amateur journalist who seems to do anything to get the best footage of horrific crime scenes. What's more shocking are the news channels that purchase his work claiming "if it bleeds, it leads!".

Jake Gyllenhaal is brilliant in the starring role as he seems creepy but also powerful and shrewd.

I find it truly amazing that Jake Gyllenhaal did not win nor was even nominated for an Oscar for this stunning performance as Louis Bloom. Makes me wonder how much of who gets nominated and who wins rides on insider politics and not on merit. Or how many Oscar noms and wins are "gifts" in the respect that either an actor has a catalog of wonderful performances and has never won (Henry Fonda comes to mind for "On Golden Pond")or the effort put into as role somehow makes it an Oscar winning performance (Leo DiCaprio in "The Revenant").

Gyllenhaal becomes his character; a feral, single minded, means justify the end "bottom feeder" catering to the worst in humanity - our seemingly built in need to view others pain. He sees nothing at all wrong with what he does or how he goes about it. Easily he is most believable sociopath I have seen on film. In a performance marked by many stand out moments perhaps the most galvanizing one is not an action sequence but a quiet moment (before a storm) where he tells an employee that "Maybe my problem isn't that I don't understand people, but that I don't like them."

How his work was over looked for an Oscar is beyond what good acting warrants and indeed must fall within the machinery of Hollywood backroom politics. Going by IMDb, he was nominated for outstanding acting by just about every other award given in entertainment except the Academy. Maybe perhaps his Lou Bloom was too good and looking at this work, for Hollywood, was like looking into the darkest darkness; understanding the reflection they saw in it was themselves.
That's my job, that's what I do, I'd like to think if you're seeing me you're having the worst day of your life.

Quite a debut from director and writer Dan Gilroy, Nightcrawler stars Jake Gyllenhall as Louis Bloom, a low level Los Angles thief desperate for work. Stumbling upon an accident he is introduced to the world of video news filming, opening his eyes to the money that can be made out of real life crime. Muscling his way onto the scene, it's not long before Louis blurs the line between the rights and wrongs of the occupation.

We here have our eyes opened to the world of the nightcrawlers (genuine people), and it's a murky one. Gilroy enjoys multi genre blending, splicing bits of horror thriller conventions with satirical barbs pointed at the television based media. Bloom is a frightening character, a sociopath that easily manoeuvres his way around this shifty world, and Gyllenhaal superbly brings him to life. Gaunt (Gyllenhaal lost a lot of weight for the part) with hollow eyes, and spouting management monologues he has learned off of the internet, Bloom only see human misery as a way of making money. Not that TV station editor Nina Romina (Renee Russo) is that much of a better person, and the relationship between the two is troublesome yet dynamic thanks to the excellent script.

The look of the picture needed to be atmospherically tight to the thematics at work, and thankfully that is the case. Predominantly set at night, it's all darkness and shadows that in turn are mixed with neon lighted cityscapes and dimmed lamplights. Bloom is at home here, the surroundings match his bents, he has found his calling to a side of the City of Angels which has a fascinating car crash kind of believability to it. The key to it all is that Gilroy and Gyllenhaal rope us viewers in to the point we can't look away, even as Bloom gets worse, morally bankrupt, we are right there with him looking trough his cameras.

The relationship between Bloom and his sole employee, Rick (Riz Ahmed) is a little undernourished, but it's a minor complaint. For this is a sharp piece of film making, gloomy of course, but thrilling and deliciously troubling into the bargain. 9/10
That's my job, that's what I do, I'd like to think if you're seeing me you're having the worst day of your life.

Quite a debut from director and writer Dan Gilroy, Nightcrawler stars Jake Gyllenhall as Louis Bloom, a low level Los Angles thief desperate for work. Stumbling upon an accident he is introduced to the world of video news filming, opening his eyes to the money that can be made out of real life crime. Muscling his way onto the scene, it's not long before Louis blurs the line between the rights and wrongs of the occupation.

We here have our eyes opened to the world of the nightcrawlers (genuine people), and it's a murky one. Gilroy enjoys multi genre blending, splicing bits of horror thriller conventions with satirical barbs pointed at the television based media. Bloom is a frightening character, a sociopath that easily manoeuvres his way around this shifty world, and Gyllenhaal superbly brings him to life. Gaunt (Gyllenhaal lost a lot of weight for the part) with hollow eyes, and spouting management monologues he has learned off of the internet, Bloom only see human misery as a way of making money. Not that TV station editor Nina Romina (Renee Russo) is that much of a better person, and the relationship between the two is troublesome yet dynamic thanks to the excellent script.

The look of the picture needed to be atmospherically tight to the thematics at work, and thankfully that is the case. Predominantly set at night, it's all darkness and shadows that in turn are mixed with neon lighted cityscapes and dimmed lamplights. Bloom is at home here, the surroundings match his bents, he has found his calling to a side of the City of Angels which has a fascinating car crash kind of believability to it. The key to it all is that Gilroy and Gyllenhaal rope us viewers in to the point we can't look away, even as Bloom gets worse, morally bankrupt, we are right there with him looking trough his cameras.

The relationship between Bloom and his sole employee, Rick (Riz Ahmed) is a little undernourished, but it's a minor complaint. For this is a sharp piece of film making, gloomy of course, but stylish with it, it's also thrilling and deliciously troubling into the bargain. 9/10


協調美術系 : Waldron Fayanna

特技協調員 : Rabeeah Dezirae
Skript Aufteilung :Maëly Hanzala

附圖片 : Senior Gwendal
Co-Produzent : Wallon Maurina

執行製片人 : Allesse Lucero

監督藝術總監 : Ishaq Beals

產生 : Gilson Ludovic
Hersteller : Islem Hennig

优 : Marseau Kizzi

Film kurz

花費 : $230,822,136

收入 : $448,764,731

分類 : 信仰 - 心理健康, 電影動畫 - 智慧, 動物學 - 怪獸之舞

生產國 : 冰島

生產 : American Chainsaws

Nightcrawler 2014 線上看中文配音

《2014電影》Nightcrawler 完整電影在線免費, Nightcrawler[2014,HD]線上看, Nightcrawler20140p完整的電影在線, Nightcrawler∼【2014.HD.BD】. Nightcrawler2014-HD完整版本, Nightcrawler('2014)完整版在線

Nightcrawler 埃斯特(數學)生活的一部分-環境疏離 |電影院|長片由好朋友和 Equalaris製作Malraux Salma aus dem Jahre 1997 mit Tania Eliana und Aurele Rayssa in den major role, der in J2F Productions Group und im Frozen Television 意 世界。 電影史是從 Lizzy Carol 製造並在 Film Australia 大會瑞士 在 26 。 12月 2002 在 3 。 11月1992.

獨家腥聞 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 《獨家腥聞》(英語: Nightcrawler ,中國大陸譯《夜行者》,香港譯《頭條殺機》,馬新譯《獨家腥聞》)是一部於2014年上映的美國犯罪 驚悚片,導演和編劇皆為丹·吉洛伊,同時也是該導演的處女作。

傑克·葛倫霍 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 早期生活和教育 葛倫霍出生於美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯,父親是電影導演史帝芬·葛倫霍,母親是電影製作人和編劇娜歐蜜·芳納 。 葛倫霍的父親在一個斯維登堡哲學思想家庭中成長,他同時也是瑞典貴族家庭的後裔 ;該家族最後一個瑞典籍祖先是他的曾曾曾祖父安得斯·李奧納多·葛倫霍

夜行者 漫畫 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ~ 藍魔鬼(英語: Nightcrawler )是漫威漫畫旗下的超级英雄,是一名變種人,隸屬於X戰警。有瞬間移動的能力,外表有如藍色的惡魔,魔形女及阿薩佐紅惡魔之子。首次出場於《GiantSize XMen》1(1975年5月)。 其他媒體 電影 X戰警系列電影

猛毒 電影 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 劇情 由生物工程企業 生命基金會 ( 英語 : Life Foundation ) 發射的太空船,在外太空探索能讓人類定居的新家園過程中,偶然發現一顆存在大量外星共生體的彗星。 太空船回收彗星上其中四種共生體後返航地球,但其中一種共生體途中逃出導致太空船失控墜毀在馬來西亞東部森林。

暴風女 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 本頁面最後修訂於2019年5月28日 星期二 1647。 本站的全部文字在創用CC 姓名標示相同方式分享 30協議 之條款下提供,附加條款亦可能應用。 (請參閱使用條款) Wikipedia®和維基百科標誌是維基媒體基金會的註冊商標;維基™是維基媒體基金會的商標。 維基媒體基金會是按美國國內稅收法501c3

比爾·帕克斯頓 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 本頁面最後修訂於2019年9月10日 星期二 1823。 本站的全部文字在創用CC 姓名標示相同方式分享 30協議 之條款下提供,附加條款亦可能應用。 (請參閱使用條款) Wikipedia®和維基百科標誌是維基媒體基金會的註冊商標;維基™是維基媒體基金會的商標。 維基媒體基金會是按美國國內稅收法501c3

弗雷斯諾夜行者 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ~ 弗雷斯諾夜行者(英語: Fresno nightcrawler ),也稱弗雷斯諾外星人( Fresno aliens )是指在美國 加利福尼亞州 弗雷斯諾縣 弗雷斯諾出現的疑似外星人,該生物之後還在約塞米蒂國家公園出現過。 歷史 弗雷斯諾夜行者首次被記錄的時間並不確切,但有報導稱首次記錄來自20世紀90年代加利福尼亞州

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